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True Connection for Business Leaders

Find More Inspired Leadership.

Do you want to excel in business, nurture meaningful relationships, and maintain your wellness everyday?

Personal Vitality and true connection enables leaders to sustain high-performance leadership.

I work with Leaders to progressively self-coach and lead at an advanced level. When you are Inspired rather than over tired, over doing or overthinking, you can reset for the real Win (Whats Important NOW)

With me, you can align daily actions with lifelong goals, leveraging both technology and interpersonal tools for faster long-term success.”

"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued..."
Brené Brown 


Creative Inspiration helps Leaders Explore and Expand and Evolve.



Overthinking what to do next?

Talk to Christine on the power of  Self-Coaching and check out our ebook or find out more about Christine.


Ebook Sales Page

How to Thrive & Stressless

Feeling Overwhelmed, Overthinking, or Overdoing? Ready for More emotional Freedom?


This book offers self-coaching tools to navigate uncertainty, enhance presence, and create intentional impact by boosting your  energy.

You can shift you focus from survival instincts to enjoying the present, using strategies Christine employs with clients to overcome challenges and find inspiration.

The key modules based on  our most explored coaching topics  are included in a simple self-coaching format for reflection and action.




Connect with Christine

Christine Jull

Christine is a Catalyst certified in health, yoga, and leadership for successful Tech entrepreneurs and Leaders. She has worked as a leader in Government, Multinationals, start-ups, and her own business for over 35 years.  

She lives with her husband, Nigel, in Matakana, New Zealand. She has revitalised herself after cancer, strokes, heart surgery, and losing loved ones. She loves her business and life today as a Co-Catalyst for Leaders' to connect to what is most important to them.

Christine's dedication to her clients is evident in her use of research, logic, and empathy, transforming leadership and life challenges and best research into valuable  expertise and tools for Intuitive Leaders.